Do we really need article submission or it has gone timeworn

It is well known fact that sites   compete with each other today to be ranked in search engine. There is  information on web which tells you how to be a lead in organic search. Notwithstanding the fact that good page rank can do what good product sale cannot do. You can make an excellent  sites  but if that site doesn’t show up in Google search then all your efforts will go waste. But if you  understand that basics of how to include sitemap and how to organize your content then your site stands a better chance.
Among the various factors that help to make your site unique would be content. Content and good content can only make your site to be ranked higher. It is said that content is the king. This is the reason why precisely many emphasize on article submission. Earlier there was virtual rat race for quality article submission because of acquisition of back links. For getting good aback links for their site article submission was given priority. But today the relevance of article submission is questioned . Precisely because people no longer consider article submission the only reason for getting back links. The article gives some basic information on why this trend is declining.
Various points that give information on relevance of article submission
It is well known fact that article submission is questioned. But in experience it is seen that if content is good the article submission would be the only way to make site relevant. Still it is considered a good way to get backlinks. It is thought that if the site where you re submitting site is popular and has higher page rank then it enable your site to get visible by the virtue of being back linked. But all these worked better in yesteryears.
Google has introduced their new algorithms. They are Penguin and Panda. The new introduction has changed the SEO landscape forever. The earlier method which worked very well , was spinning low quality articles . So today you have to  change  your strategy. Since no longer poor quality articles of about 400 words are needed so Webmaster is looking for fresh strategy. The authors  today have  to  focus such that  they stay relevant to topic. Even after the release of Panda another algorithm which came to fore front was Penguin. This was something  like a  good blow to many article spinners.
It is very nascent  to  suggests a  decline of this novel service. Nothing concrete can be said. But looking at the present  scenario one thing is certain that   quality article at the need of the hour. If the content is of poor quality then this gives great blow to your functioning. So to improve the Google ranking a good article of 800 words is worth. That too the manual submission will not do wonder. There are other additional things to be done like press releases and syndication submission.  A complete package should be targeted . Not just submitting your article one can drive traffic to work site but a comprehensive plan should be made before you your site to rank as it should be in this competitive arena.

Author bio: the author is a freelance writer from Pune. She write on many magazines and  sites.

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