An Immune India
healthy outside starts from inside” said Robert Urich. A nation is built on the
foundation of healthy and conscientious citizens. No country can stand tall if its
country men are sick. The future of a country depends on how healthy its
children are. India has the ubiquitous presence
of a well enriched culture and history. The Vedic times are a testimony to the
fact that how important health was to its citizens.
Ayurveda and Unani shastras are an evidence of the fact the health has been
always on the cards of its rulers. It has taken years to develop and perfect
various practices mentioned in Ayurveda. Still today Ayurveda has loyal
followers who has taken this science to a unimaginable level.
immunity is a personal quest. Today doctors prescribe various ways to keep our body
fit and fine. As compared to olden day when everything was pure , today adulteration
has made it difficult to keep us healthy. Today marketization of food has many artificial entrants in this category. The quality of food we take has declined. Another siren to this problem is lack of
awareness of a healthy culture. Even today
villagers and uneducated persons are not aware of how to make healthy choices. The
initiative taken by Dabur India is very welcome. More information can be found
at the link
Steps for
better immune
To make
an immune India which results from individual health some steps should to
taken. This includes many easy and simple gestures like good food and food sleep. It is well known
fact that stress can lead to less immunity
for body. It is therefore requested that workplace should be made more people friendly.
Adequate rest is advised for all and sundry. In a routine everyone should
include exercises. Doing yoga and simple exercises not only makes our bodies
supple but is excellent for long term.
Various researches have been done in past to
get a link between food and immunity. Today
scientist are advising to include certain classes of
food in daily life. Yoghurt has good level of probiotics. Probiotics have an excellent
effect on the gut. Inclusion of multivitamins too has greater effect. One should
maintain balanced diet and include as much of fruits and vegetable in diet. We should
abstain from smoking and alcohol. Another way to boost immunity is maintaining and controlling blood pressure. Packaged food
should be avoided as it contains undigested level chemicals in form of preservatives.
Another advice from doctors is that one should not start talking antibiotics at
the onset of illness. The logic behind this argument is that if one is not
exposed to bacteria then how will
immunity develop. Epictetus had exclaimed that “It takes more than just good looking
body. You have got to have a heart and soul for it”. So being happy is the
surest way to become immune.