How to use the jquery for making mobile apps
Mobiles are ubiquitous and with the growing population of
youth which likes making mobile apps to
learn something new and to experiment many mobile making apps for android phones
have mushroomed in the market. One such API is jQuery which is doing brisk selling. jQuery has fancied the youth.
JQuery is simply awesome to use. With very smart interface and the easy to use
it has really made the life of youth breeze. This tutorial explores the making of
the mobile apps in android OS using this technology. The tutorial is very easy
to understand and is aimed for the beginner level. Advanced topics are not
discussed here as this is beyond the scope of the tutorial.
jQuery and its alpha version were developed in November 2010
. It is a mobile development framework project aimed to make easy and intuitive
mobile apps for latest mobile that uses the android OS in phones. One the
latest phones where jQuery can be implemented is Samsung Grand. We will make a web
application such as reading the RSS feeds on mobile. For that we shall
send HTTP request which will be based on
AJAX to the server which we will parse the XML request and then construct the UI.To read the RSS feed with
the desired effect of fade in and out the use of plugin called jQuery-dotimeout plugin is done.
This will give the readers effect where news will appear on the screen and then
fade out. After that use of the DST.js plugin is done to store whatever the reader
has selected to local directory that is HTML5 local directory. It is seen that jQuery construct has three things. They are HTML
file with UI, plugins and libraries. The route of making this RSS feed news is
very simple. Here the HTML file will send HTTP request to the relevant RSS URL
which will send the response back to the HTML file.
This is a simple example where the jQuery API is used to
construct as very basic application. More such examples can be reconstructed by
using the jQuery mobile app.The basic advantage of using the jQuery app is that
AJAX requests are not blocked by the server. The jQuery has its main aim to
create mobile apps and to consider the request and parse the XML file and
create relevant mobile apps. So overall mobile app jQuery is very simple and
user friendly. Countless web applications can be building using the jQuery
mobile apps. This can be downloaded for torrent site and the fun and lots of
original thinking can go along.